Our Professional Staff

Our experienced providers are committed to a high standard of patient care and are here for you throughout every stage of your hearing journey.

Who We Are

Established in 1997, Evergreen Audiology Gaming Clinic is dedicated to providing expert hearing healthcare to the community and to US Veterans in a comfortable office setting.

Evergreen is locally owned and operated by Dr. Chris Lawson, AuD. Dr. Lawson’s credentials include a Doctorate in Clinical Audiology (Au.D.), a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Communication Disorders, and certification as a course director for CAOHC. While a US Army Captain, Dr. Lawson was trained to provide high quality clinical care at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Evergreen is committed to maximizing your use of state-of-the-art hearing aids through smartphone integration, assistive listening devices, and TeleHealth support.

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  • Our Associations

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  • american-academy-of-audiology logo

Meet Our Team

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Dr. Chris Lawson, AuD, CCC-A, FAAA, CAOHC-CD

Doctor of Audiology

Dr. Lawson completed his Au.D. in the United States Army as an active duty audiologist stationed at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Upon graduation, he assumed command at the home of the 101st Airborne Division in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. As a Captain in the Army, Dr. Lawson was responsible for a clinical and hearing conservation outreach program which provides services to over 28,000 soldiers and their families.

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Annette Becker

Office Manager